Thursday, August 23, 2012

Putting my order in now:

The classy coffee table gives old Power Mac G4s a new lease on life

By Elizabeth Fish
Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:15 AM

[Credit: Ryan Orr]

If you’re an Apple enthusiast, chances are you have quite a collection of unused hardware in your closet. Maybe you can't bear to part with that first-generation iPhone, or you think that old white MacBook could be useful for parts one day. Whatever the reason, there are classier ways of displaying your old Apple gear than letting it gather dust in the attic.

For instance, Ryan Orr of Re:Form Designs likes to recycle a variety of materials to make something useful for a home, so he built an impressive coffee table out of two Apple Power Mac G4 towers, which he calls Crunching Numbers G4.

This coffee table, first spotted by Geeky Gadgets, is the direct descent of Ryan's previous effort, Crunching Numbers G3. This latest creation is made largely of reclaimed materials, and in addition to the two towers and slab of glass across the top, the table also comes styled with a coil that connects the G4s.

The table comes in three different styles to accommodate the various case styles Apple used for the Power Mac G4, and Ryan says that he can make additional modifications to the design to suit your needs. The Re:Form Designs version of the table costs at least $600—not too bad considering the original price of these machines.

You can check out the full specifications of Ryan’s coffee table over on the Re:Form website.

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